What Cornwall Thinks Panel provides valuable insight into Rail Travel in Cornwall

13th January, 2017

Just over 55% of respondents to the last What Cornwall Thinks survey reported that they used the train to travel into or out of Cornwall within the last year.

Whether train was on time last journey

Despite this, only 64% of respondents to the survey reported that their train was on time during their last journey into or out of Cornwall.

Cornish MPs have long been campaigning to improve rail travel into and out of the county, so that passengers are less likely to face lengthy delays or train cancellations.

Many local people were pleased to hear the Secretary of State announce an additional £10 million worth of funding to upgrade the railway line through Dawlish.  It is hoped that these improvements will make it easier for businesses in Cornwall to engage with organisations outside of the South West.

A recent article on the Business Cornwall website suggested that it is not all doom and gloom for local businesses, as many local entrepreneurs are increasingly seeking to benefit from technologies such as Skype.  They noted that these technologies offer a valuable opportunity to save time and travel costs.

The findings from the What Cornwall Thinks panel will provide the people of Cornwall with the opportunity to provide feedback and influence policy, investments and business decisions within their communities.  The panel is not just limited to questions on travel.  It also seeks to find out more about local opinion on a range of topics including Cornish brands, charities, local community and more besides.

If you would like more information about how the What Cornwall Thinks research panel may be able to help your organisation then please contact Robert Salvoni at PFA Research.  He would be happy to tell you more!