The Digital, Always-On Learning Opportunity

29th March, 2018

Our article published in the March 2018 edition of Business Cornwall magazine examined the opportunity of learning and upskilling in an increasingly digitised and connected Cornish landscape.

The analysis was set against the context that one of the eight key areas within Cornwall Council’s Business Plan to help deliver a sustainable Cornwall for 2017/18 is ‘Driving the Economy’, with the target to increase the average (median) employee weekly earnings from 77% of the England average to 78%. It follows that every plan thereafter puts strategies for investment in people and skills first and foremost to address the root of the simple mathematics, that only by creating higher than average paid jobs in growth businesses in an expanding local economy, will the indicator move upwards.

The full analysis and article is available to read here on the Cornwall Business Observatory web site.


Feature image by Helloquence on Unsplash