The Everyday Researcher – Part 3

21st April, 2011

In the last instalment I set out my objectives by asking myself 5 questions:

1.      Do I really need one or should I perhaps consider a tablet PC?

2.      What do I want to do with it?

3.      What features am I looking for?

4.      How much am I willing (or able) to pay?

5.      Which option offers the best value for money?


Let’s face it an e-reader is a luxury and not something I really need. However, we human beings tend to also have wants that can result in conflicting tensions making the first question difficult to answer. In this instance I’ll err on the side of caution and assume (my hypothesis) that the ‘need’ exists. I now have the impetus to collect evidence to either support or reject my perceived ‘need’ of said e-reader. And mindful of research best practise, I’ll reflect upon my basic hypothesis throughout the process and once I’ve collected all the evidence I’ll use it as a means to justify my decision.


It’s the same for small businesses, whether contemplating running a marketing campaign or starting a new business: the final decision has to be made on the individual merits of the best available evidence to ensure you don’t lose focus on the target.

So that’s good – we’ve agreed that I do ‘need’ an e-reader!

I now need to consider what I want to do with it, what features I need, how much I’m willing (or able) to pay and ultimately which option offers the best value for money?

In market research terms the commissioning and design are over… down to the hard work!